Shurijo Castle Revival

Shurijo Castle Revival
Shurijo Castle Revival

The Extraordinary, Ancient Castle that was Fostered
by the History and Culture of Ryukyu

The Extraordinary, Ancient Castle that was Fostered<br />by the History and Culture of Ryukyu” class=”commonWidth-narrowest learning-material_content_image”></p>
<div class=The Kingdom of Ryukyu was a monarchial state that existed for 450 years from 1429 to 1879.
The unique Ryukyuan culture was nurtured through active trade between China, Japan, and the Southeast Asian countries.
Shurijo Castle flourished as the kingdom\’s center of politics, diplomacy, and culture.

The Extraordinary, Ancient Castle that was Fostered<br />by the History and Culture of Ryukyu” class=”commonWidth-narrowest learning-material_content_image”></p>
<h4 class=Shurijo Castle

Shurijo Castle

Shurijo Castle symbolizes the history and culture of Okinawa. The castle is located on a small hill, surrounded by curved walls, and numerous structures and facilities are built within.
There are areas such as parks, spaces open to the public, and sacred areas on the premise.
These are common features of castles in Okinawa, not limited to Shurijo Castle, called “Gusuku”. The other “Gusukus” in Okinawa were defeated and ruined due to their rivalry with Shurijo Castle, while Shurijo Castle maintained the features of “Gusuku” and continued to flourish.

Shurijo Castle

The Shurijo Castle Main Hall (Seiden) Fire

The Shurijo Castle Main Hall (Seiden) Fire

A fire broke out inside the Main Hall (Seiden) of the castle in the early morning of October 31, 2019, destroying the hall itself and nine other structures.
The fire was extinguished after 11 hours. An investigation was conducted by the police and fire department after the incident; however, the cause of the fire could not be determined.

The Shurijo Castle Main Hall (Seiden) Fire

Restoration work will commence in 2022 starting from the Main Hall (Seiden).
The project is scheduled for completion in 2026, with the restoration of the structures such as the North Hall (Hokeden) and South Hall (Nanden) to follow.

The Shurijo Castle “Restoration Disclosure”

The Shurijo Castle

The Shurijo Castle restoration process, such as the removal of the damaged tiles and debris and the dismantling of the structures, will be disclosed to the public, while ensuring on-site safety, and providing various information.

The Shurijo Castle

The objective of the restoration disclosure is to provide an opportunity for the people of Okinawa, people living outside the prefecture, and those living overseas to view the process of Shurijo Castle restoration and to reaffirm the history and culture of the Ryukyu.

The Shurijo Castle

This Shurijo Castle restoration is a scene that can only be seen now.

There are various regional restoration/tourism recovery initiatives and restoration-related events held at Shurijo Castle, such as the “Shurijo Castle Red Tile Plaster Removal Volunteering” event and the “Shurijo Castle Tile Recycling Idea-Seeking Event” to develop initiatives in regional and tourism promotion.

A Tragedy to Never Occur Again

A Tragedy to Never Occur Again

This is the sincere wish of the people involved in the restoration project. The restoration project is now underway, uniting all people\’s wishes.
The restoration of the Main Hall (Seiden) is scheduled for completion in 2026.

Full View of Shurijo Castle / After the Fire (November 1, 2019)

Shurijo Castle Park